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Metal art

Glass art

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Mario's Art Mart

Phone 240.631.9184

This is the Metal Art page. Items in this page include items with folded metal, several metals, semi-precious stones and found items.

Please scroll down to see the merchandise.

We make unusual jewelry from silver, copper, glass and other materials as well as bottle slumps and other glass art. Most of our stock is hand made. We try to reuse and/or recycle metals for the reduction of mining and its impacts to the environment. Phone 240.631.9784
Folded metal pendant

This piece is made with found and recycled items. It includes brass, copper, fine silver and onix. The piece has been folded and soldered and fine silver rivets have been added for a special effect. The piece is slightly asymetrical. It comes with a string necklace to use in this manner.

Dimensions:3" wide, 1 1/2" tall. Slightly convex.

Price: $15 plus $5 for shipping and handling.


Brass (Nu Gold), copper, silver and enamel pendant with copper necklace. Found and recycled items, soldered. This pendant is 1 1/4" wide and 3" long. Comes with copper necklace.

Price: $10 plus $5 shipping and handling.


Copper and perls

Textured copper and perls. Found and recycled objects. The pendant has three piercings that serve as the frame for 3 perls. The pendant is 1 3/4" long and 3/4" wide and comes wih a copper necklace.

Price: $7.50 plus $5 for shipping and handling.



Textured, curved and convex copper and a large alabaster bead. With simple silver color necklace. Found and recycled materials. About 1 1/2" long and 1/2" wide.

Price $7.50 plus $5 for handling and shipping.